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Canadian Carriers Unlock Phones

If anyone can confirm or debunk this please post. Check Factory Unlock Status Iphone. How Do I Unlock My Google Account On My Phone more. Unlock Phone Images more. I recently came across this wikipedia article, and if you scroll about halfway down the page to the section titled 'Canada', it explains that in 2010, canadian law was introduced enforcing that at the end of a contract, or if a phone was purchased outright, the carrier that sold you the phone must by law (upon your request) unlock the phone for you free of charge.

Unlock Phones Code

Smartphones are typically tied to the carrier you purchase them from. Arkaos Vj Keygen here. But a new Canadian law is about to change all that.

If this is correct it means FREE UNLOCKS FOR EVERYONE and I would say its about time. If we buy a phone outright or gradually over time it belongs to us and we should be allowed to use it as we so please. All I know is I have 2 phones from previous contracts, 2 pay-as-you-go phones from rogers and 2 phones on the way under contract and Im gonna put this to the test, as they could be going to good use with family members through the right service providers. HERE IS THE LINK EXCERPT: On June 17, 2010, Member of Parliament Bruce Hyer (Thunder Bay-Superior North) introduced Private Member's Bill C-560,[14] called the Cell Phone Freedom Act, which would prohibit carriers from selling SIM locked phones in Canada without first informing the consumer of the existence of such a lock.