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Free Ways To Unlock A Phone

More Free Ways To Unlock A Phone videos. What happens when users forget their Android phone's screen lock? They look for easy ways to unlock the screen without losing data on an Android device. Free and paid.

Free Ways To Unlock Iphone 4

Is your cell phone blocked accidentally no problem today i am share the free ways to unblock any android based cell phone. Acrobat Xi Serial Keygen. So There are three ways to unblock your cell phone. First is if you remember your gmail login id or password second is custom factory reset and third is with the service code.

In this article i am share with you all the three methods to unblock your cell phone. Okay enough talk lets look at the procedure:- Unblock Cell Phone Using Gmail This is the first and most favourite method of unblock cell phone. How To Sim Unlock Iphone 6s Free.  In case you forgot your pattern lock this will be useful. Stereoscopic Player 2.4 3 Keygen. After getting number of attempts on your smartphone unlock pattern a message is display saying you “too many pattern attempts” To unlock sign in with your google account just click on the account and sign in using your gmail id and password and the phone will unlock.

In case if you have two or more gmail id the gmail id which you use to download app from play store will work. If you forgot your gmail username or password then you can recover it using forgot password from your laptop or desktop. Why this method is my favourite because all of your phone data will be saved. Unlock Cell phones From Boot Warning: While using this method all of the phone data will be deleted but it does not delete SD card data. It is preferred to remove SD card while performing hard reset. If the above method does not work then you this option will be handy. This option is also know as hard reset or factory restore settings.