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How Can I Unlock My Car With My Cell Phone

Iphone 5 Price In Canada Unlocked. Roadshow Newsletter. Would you like your car to automatically unlock when your phone is near, or are you happy just tapping a button on a remote fob? Mar 17, 2012 AMAZING Freemake Audio Converter Keygen. !!!!! Demo of how to unlock your car using everyday technology. You will be able to leave the keyfob at home. Handy for when you lock yourself out.

How Can I Unlock My Car With My Cell Phone

Antuan Goodwin/CNET LOS ANGELES -- For some time now, we've been anticipating the day that you'd be able to unlock your car by simply approaching it with your smartphone in your pocket. It turns out that the technology has been right under our noses. Samsung Phone Password Unlock Software here. The first generation of the Mobile Enhancement Specialist's (MES) hit the market earlier this year and, after being professionally installed in almost any car with power locks, can automatically unlock the vehicle's doors when it recognizes your Bluetooth-enabled cellphone is within range. The phone doesn't even have to leave the driver's pocket; no button pressing required. As you leave the vehicle and exit the effective Bluetooth range, the car will automatically lock itself. According to MES, the module should work with any Bluetooth phone -- even my dad's Moto RAZR flip phone. This week at the LA Auto Show, we learned about the second generation of this technology -- the Premium Bluetooth Passive Keyless Entry module -- boasting increased security.